We source raw materials with a high proportion of recycled materials where it makes sense, for example packaging and some wood-based materials. At the same time, we strive to minimize the pollutant content of the raw materials, both in the interests of our end users and to increase the recyclability of the materials when disposing of furniture after use. and the procurement strategies of the local chipboard manufacturers. We are increasingly focusing on this part of the life cycle of our furniture and trying to ensure the best and friendliest disposal or recycling practices when selecting and dismantling raw materials.
Recycling And Waste
Our product design and purchasing process are optimized to minimize production waste. We take care to classify by-products as much as possible so that they can be reused or recycled. Most of the by-products of our production are chipboard and MDF cuts as well as sawdust. Our panel suppliers use a considerable part of the chipboard waste for new panels. Despite our increasing production volume, we have managed to reduce our total share of waste in recent years. We are constantly looking for alternative uses for this waste, the rest of which is incinerated in slightly larger quantities. In 2021, we will continue to focus on reducing waste across our supply chain, including our external partners.